Georgetown water taxi
March 21
We left Boqueron- headed for Ponce ( pronounced pon-say) , which is located about mid south coast of Puerto Rico, At 0500. It was barely light but the way through the reef was lighted bu a green marker. The day was pleasant and we had a very nice motor sail. As we were passing about the mod point the engine started stumbling and we were only able to make about 1700 rpm. I suspected a fuel problem but the aft tank was empty. The rest of
the trip we were able to make about 4 knots and made our way into the harbor at Ponce.
The first thing was to take on fuel in the aft tank which we did ( 50 gallons) , and asked for a slip. They had none available as there was a fishing tournament scheduled and all the slips were taken. We then anchored in the small bay there .
The next order of business was to contact Kato marine about the broken spreader bar on our davits. Even though they did not sell us the davits ( we bought them used) the shipped us the bar and the hardware without making us pay for the complete assembly ( the stainless steel ends which we had were serviceable we ended up paying for only the bar and some hardware. It turns out the spreader bar we had was not the right size for our dingy and this was the probable cause for the weld failure. Since Puerto Rico is effectively part of the united states the 2 day freight was relatively inexpensive.
I then took apart the supply hose to the filter for the forward tank and the valve was filled with stuff such that you could not see though it. After cleaning the valve and reassembling the motor ran fine. The clogged tube was apparently the cause for the engine stumbling and not running properly.
Since we would be waiting for the part, the next day we rented a car and re provisioned. In Ponce there was a Sam's Club, Walmart, Office Max as well as Hernando's cash and carry. After a hectic day of visiting the various shops we returned with our purchases to stow on board.
The next day we took a driving tour about parts of the old city and you could see the Spanish influe
nce as at the center of the city was a public square and a church with Spanish architecture. There were horse drawn tours available but we decided to continue via the car.
Thursday March 25
We got the part from Kato marine and installed it so now the davits work as they are supposed to. We decided to start our trip home tomorrow rather than continue on to the Spanish Virgin Islands.
Friday March 26
At 0600 we set out to return to Boqueron to stage our return home. The trip was uneventful and the engine is now running fine off of the forward tank. The trip was uneventful and we arrived back in Boqueron at 1400, After anchoring for the night we will leave early tom
orrow morning.
Saturday 27
After some discussion Kathleen and I decided we would by pass the DR and head back to the Turks and Caicos. Either trip would be about 48 hours but we would be 13 hours closer to home by heading for the Turks.
The weather and seas were very settled and the wind was light and variable. As we passed Isla Desechio ( about 20 mile out ) The wind picked up to
about 10 knots and the seas became very confused ( nowhere near as bad as our trip over) and gave us an uncomfortable ride. As soon as we passed the hourglass shoals waypoint the seas became regular and for the rest of the night we had a broad reach with 10 to 15 knot winds. The morning saw us off of Samana bay and we were halfway to our destination.
Monday March 29
The winds picked up a bit and we were able to maintain almost 7 knots as we passed the Silver Bank. For most of the day we had following seas and 10 to fifteen knots of wind. We sighted Big Sand Cay at 0530 and were able to get the anchor down by 0630. The rest of the day we rested as both of us were exhausted after 48 straight hours at sea.
Tuesday March 30
We left Big Sand Cay at 05
00 as the anchorage is completely open the the east and headed for Provo. The trip across the Caicos Banks was a nail biter as you had to dodge coral heads and deal with thin water ( in spots it was less than 5.6 ft deep and we draw 5.1 feet). We made it across without hitting anything and arrived outside South side Marina at about 1600. We hailed them and Simon said that we could try our luck getting in but it was just 1 hour passed low tide. We decided to give it a try and we made it to within 50 yard of the final set of buoys before we got stuck in 4.9 feet of water. Simon and his wife came out in their runabout and gave us a tow and finally we made it to the dock. After two days and sea and a day crossing the banks is was that last 50 yards that was the toughest.
We stayed at the marina for 2 days to take care of washing, Kathleen had to get a tooth looked at and we took on some more provisions, water, and we filled up the aft tank. I plan on letting the front tank run dry to make sure I have all the stuff cleaned out and trapped in the filter.
We left the marina and staged ourselves at Sapadilla Bay so we could get an early start to Mayaguana.
April 1
The exit from Sapadilla was fine and the weather was settled as we made our way the 43 miles to Abraham's bay. We had a good wind 15-18 knots off the beam and were able to average 7 knots for the trip. The anchorage at Abraham's bay is a little tricky as it is pe
ppered with coral heads so I laid down a track coming in on the chart plotter that I could follow the next morning. This next leg from Mayaguana to Calabash bay on Long Island will be the last long overnight for until we get back to the states.
April 2
The first half of the trip was fairly nice sailing as the seas were calm, the skies clear and the winds were 10 to 15 knots off our beam. As we approached Acklins Island however the seas started to rise to 5 to 7 feet and the winds began
to freshen 15 to 20 knots. We were able to maintain about 7+ knots but the ride was roll and bumpy to say the least. Finally about 0300 we ran into a few squalls and the winds piped up to 20-25 knots with gusts to 30. I had reef the sails when it started to get dark so we were prepared for the winds. At 0500 we reached Long Island, made it around the point and were anchored in Calabash Bay. It was still a little bumpy but a far cry from the night and both Kathleen and I were ready for a rest.
April 3
This morning we made the 18 miles from Calabash to Georgetown and are now anchored in Kid Cove were we will wait for favorable weather before continuing on.
At sea on the way to Staniel Cay
At 0700 we left Georgetown Headed for Staniel Cay ( It has the cave were scenes were shot for the movie Thunderball). We had a nice quartering wind and were able to maintain a 7 knot average speed and arrived in Staniel Cay at 1600.
April 9
Kathleen with a Banaquit
This morning we contacted the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park at Warderick Wells and were able to secure a mooring. The park is beautiful and the water is crystal clear. There are bananaquits ( small birds) that visited us every mooring and would perch on your hand if it held a little bit of sugar.
April 13
Today we took a small weather window and headed for west end of New Providence ( Nassau is on this island). We will be here through Wednesday and hope to get a weather window for Bimini on Thursday. If all goes well we should be back in Florida by Saturday
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